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Training for Leaders and Businesses

The topics are aimed at taking care of the body and mind of the staff, helping to understand and...


Happiness Source Code provides businesses, organizations & communities... training & coaching programs to help transform oneself, open awareness & practice a happy lifestyle.


The training programs of Code Source Hanh Phuc are built towards developing 03 aspects including Mindful Leadership - Happy Business - Harmonious Family.


Source Code Hanh Phuc provides businesses with internal cultural care and mental health care program packages on two main platforms: Awakening culture and Understanding & Compassion culture. For businesses, we train the Understanding and Love Toolkit and the Happy Life Skills Kit.


The topics are aimed at taking care of the body and mind of the staff, helping them understand and love, connect and be loyal, and equip them with happy living skills, change their lifestyle positively, and increase their concentration. and optimize work performance.


Please contact us if you are interested!

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